Governance Documents

Code of Ethics

ATI is committed to uncompromising ethical standards, strict adherence to law, and continuous attention to customer satisfaction. These commitments constitute the foundation upon which ATI conducts its business.

The objective of ATI Corporate Guidelines for Business Conduct and Ethics is to have all employees reflect the highest level of integrity and ethics in their dealings with customers, suppliers and stockholders and with the public and government agencies, as well as with fellow employees.

ATI encourages employees to communicate concerns before they become problems. Building and maintaining trust, respect and communications between employees and management and between fellow employees is critical to the overriding goal of efficiently producing high quality products, providing the maximum level of customer satisfaction, and ultimately fueling profitability and growth.

The management and employees of ATI are committed to a strong self-governance program. This commitment is aligned with the company's corporate goal to enhance stockholder value. Maintaining the company's reputation for quality, reliability, integrity, and customer responsiveness is critical to achieving this goal.